Your Pet & Their Groomer Pets, like people, all have different personalities, characteristics, and temperaments. Some pets hate being away from home and will suffer some separation anxiety while at the Groomers, other pets enjoy a chance to get out and away from home and love being at the salon, and some don’t even want to go home. Please let us know if your pet is a home-body, and we can arrange for a faster grooming and pick up time. Other things that can affect your pets behavior at any given time could be something as simple as a cold, a stomach or intestinal virus, muscle cramps, ear aches, tooth aches, throat infections and any variety of other aches and pains. Any ailment that can affect us on any given day can also affect our pets. If you suspect anything is wrong with your pet, please let us know when you drop them off. Should I have my puppy groomed? Professional Trainers, Vets, and Groomers alike agree that your pet should visit their Vet and Groomer starting at 8 weeks old. Vaccinations are a must, starting at 8 weeks old, in order to protect them from various diseases. It is also very important that your pet develop a relationship with their Groomer in order to reduce stress and separation anxiety. Their first visit may only be for a bath and to have their nails cut, but it's very important to begin this relationship as soon as possible. For the first year they should re-visit their Groomer every 4 to 8 weeks. After the first year the frequency of visits will depend on the breed of your pet. Ask your Groomer for their advice. Choosing A Groomer Like A Pampered Pooch, a grooming salon should be licensed by your local city and county, and have a state tax ID number. They should be insured and bonded as well. You should be able to have access to the grooming area. The salon should be cleaned and disinfected regularly and smell clean. Cut-rate, back yard groomers are cut-rate for a reason! Boarding Your Pet When choosing a boarding facility for you pet, the same qualities you look for in a groomer should be what you’re looking for in a boarder. Make sure they are licensed, insured, and bonded. Large and clean facilities are a must! However, if a large kennel is not for you, an excellent alternative would be to try a private, home pet sitting service. Our area offers some of the best private home sitters around. Just call us for their phone number or come by and pick up one of their business cards. Pet Home Finder If for some reason you find yourself in need of a good home for your pet we can assist you in finding a new great family to give your best friend a happy home. Lost Dog Locator If you have a lost pet please notify us as soon as possible. We will notify all our customers to be on the look out! Helping Your Pet Grow The average home pet has the intelligence level of a two (2) year old child and has a vocabulary of about 400 words. This may not sound like much but we had four children, and believe me they can seem to be running the house at times. The more time you spend with your pet (like children), talking to them and training them, the more your pet will increase in their intelligence, their vocabulary, and their social skills! Here's a helpful article from the AKC Family Dog Magazine: |
Aging Pets
As our best friends advance in years they can experience all the same aches and complications that we can - diabetes, heart disease, joint deterioration, allergies, dementia, and more. Your Vet can help you in managing your pet’s aging complications. Our area also offers several end of life internment or cremation services. Check the phone book or online, or feel free to call us for names and numbers. Here's a helpful article from the AKC Family Dog Magazine: + Signs of an Aging Dog Does Florida's climate effect my pet? Yes! Florida climate is only one of three tropical zones in the United States. Because of this unique heat, you must make sure your pet has access to clean drinking water at all times and that they are not left out in the direct sunlight or cold without proper shade or shelter. Due to the extreme heat of the state, Florida state law prohibits leaving pets locked in an unoccupied vehicle. (We also recommend you make sure your pet is safely secured in your vehicle while transporting them.) To ensure your pet's maximum comfort, have your pet's coat groomed shorter during hotter months! Prayer Requests We believe that our pets are gifts from our Creator to bring us joy, add to the quality of our lives, and even to bring added safety. He is very concerned for their care and safety as well (Jonah 4:11). He has entrusted our pets into our care, and as with all created life, our pets spirit will return to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). So all dogs do go to heaven! Even Jesus was born in a stable and was laid in a manger, surrounded by the animals as well as mankind. If you or your pet need prayer, please let us know and we will add you to our prayer list. We believe that prayer really makes a difference! Other Helpful Articles Below are some great articles from the AKC Family Dog Magazine. The information in these articles is important for any dog owner. Rub-a-Dub-Dog: Seven Ways to Make Bath Time Less Stressful for Your Dog Hot Spots and Wet Cots: How to Prevent Skin Lesions and Resolve Nighttime Accidents Worried Sick?: Stress Can Have Serious Medical Consequences on Dogs Shades of Gray: Can Stress Cause Premature Graying in Dogs? |